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Project | 01
Project | Logomaking & Dashboard

Inspired by fintech apps, attempted to create

one of a non-existential company to illustrate a business dashboard and a simple logo to

compliment to the theme.


(Tools used: Figma, Illustrator)

Project | 02
Personal Project | LookSee

Looksee came about amongst friends who share

the vision of teleporting. A lifestyle mobile app

that connects friends and families to push

the idea of exploration and "teleportation". 

(Tools used: Figma, Illustrator)

Project | 03
Project | Manifesto Videos

Videos were conceptualized for clients

to visualize the work process during my internship. Shared during workshops with clients and stakeholders, the videos are meant to inspire colleagues and even future clients. 


(Tools used: Adobe Premier Pro, Rotato,

After Effects)

Project | 04
Project | SG Design Hackathon by NASDaily

Competed in a Design Hackathon hosted by NASDaily. Instructed to create a mobile application around the idea for education/training as part of their NASACADEMY branch. Won 3rd in within the entire day of the event.


(Tools used: Figma)

Project | 05
Project | Central Fraud Detection System

Created screens around the basis of a crypto security element. Providing a user to understand his/her wallet address that could be contacted with fraudulent entities or suspicious activities.


(Tools used: Figma)

Project | 06
Project | Claim Feature by bluesheets

The idea is based on a user to submit and verify their claim/s. bluesheets are pushing the idea for users to opt for their brand's verification for more accuracy instead of AI. 

Here's my take on the screens, along with the option for users to upload multiple claims as separate documents.

Update: I added a (dark) mode as part of my own experimentation.


(Tools used: Figma)

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